Git blame
Git blame

Once the commit that introduced the bug has been identified, the commit needs to be checked out using git checkout.

git blame

Then Git will output: is the first bad commit The process will continue until there are no commits left to verify. You’ll need to test your project after bisect checks out each commit, to verify if it's good or bad. Next, enter the last known good commit and the known bad commit (usually HEAD) as follows: git bisect bad Git bisect uses a binary search algorithm to efficiently search through commits, halving the potential commits with each bisect. Start by using git bisect to track down the commit that introduced the bug. When you realize your project has a bug because something isn't working correctly, you need to identify the problematic commit before you can figure out who introduced it. Most use cases of Git blame center around an error or bug introduced by someone working on the project, making changes and commits. That’s where git blame can step in to help. Because of the distributed and collaborative nature of Git version control, it can be impossible to keep track of who made what changes. Unexpected errors can be introduced in many ways and at many points in the development process. Git blame is a great tracking tool for teams.

git blame


Git blame can reveal who last changed a line of code and when they changed it.

git blame

Git blame does not reveal information about lines that have been deleted or replaced. The idea is that the team can track changes to individual lines of code and attribute them to a commit and author if problems arise. The output of Git blame displays a line-by-line readout of a file's content, indicating the line number, the most recent commit ID that changed the line, the author of the change, and the date and time of the change. Git blame is a command used to check which developer authored each line of a committed file and how many revisions it’s had.

Git blame